30 Day Vibrant Health Diet Road-test…Days One To Seven

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker

My decision to personally road test this dietary plan came about because of joint pain. My left knee was reconstructed when I was 25 and now nearly 35 years later I had my right knee rebuilt as a result of a similar sporting injury.

My plan is roughly like tossing the paleo, no sugar no grains programme and a couple of other low carb diets into a blender and getting the best of each.

One morning as I began my early walk both of my knees were giving me so much trouble that I felt like I was 90 years old so I decided that this diet I had been researching for a few months needed to be started.

Most of the data showed significant weight loss and improvement in general wellbeing, but given that sugar creates so much inflammation that pain reduction should be expected.

I had a blood test and my wife Sue who is the medical person in our family said my inflammatory markers looked like I had been in a car crash.

I stopped eating sugar, grains and all processed foods, or as they are also called, industrial foods. This left me with meat, good fats, most vegetables, nuts and some fruits.

I thought I would miss sweet treats, but I didn’t for the first week. By day three I felt a noticeable improvement in my knee pain. It wasn’t all gone but was only ½ as annoying as it had been. This was a huge encouragement for me.

The first week I probably over did the fats, with lots of olive and coconut oils but at no time was I hungry. The idea is not to count calories or even be fanatical about portions. The number one goal is to shift from primarily burning sugar to being fat adaptive.

My breakfasts are mostly egg based, some days I have a green smoothie and about once a week I have some paleo muesli. This is just seeds and nuts and looks like bird food, but with some plain yoghurt and a little unsweetened cacao powder was just fine.

I squeeze in a green smoothie late morning or lunch if I haven’t had one already. Or I would have some cold meat and salad for lunch.

Dinner is meat and green vegetables plus mushrooms and tomatoes or eggplant. Just a little sweet potato in the first month.

Snacks are a little 70% + dark chocolate, almonds and I will usually have a piece of fruit after dinner. I also include some fruit in my smoothie.

By the end of the first week I have to say it was much easier than I thought it would be. Previously I would have had coffee with a pastry about 3 times a week, but I just dropped the pastry and interestingly the friends I was with did so as well and nobody missed it.

My one cheat for the week was one beer when a friend came over for dinner. My energy is fine and not much else has changed as yet.

Wishing you Great health and happiness

Ian & Susan Newton

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