Why Less Sugar Is Better After Menopause.

less sugarHi Vibrant Health Seeker

Why Less Sugar Is Better After Menopause.

The old guard advice of low fat and high carb is fortunately changing among many researchers and clinicians. An interesting area of research is the effect of glucose on the brain in MS, Alzheimer’s and Glaucoma with flow on implications for women after menopause of men of a similar age.

The research shows that the brains of humans has less ability to process glucose as we age, being noticed particularly around menopause. The result is increased inflammation in the brain as a result of the recently discovered lactose pump system slowing down.

What this means is a clearer understanding of how these serious illnesses develop. There is of cause more research to do, but in rats the picture is very clear.

You have the option of waiting another decade until the jury is in and a drug is developed or you can take action now.

The solution is to cut out sugar grains and processed foods, and to consume healthy fats especially medium chain fats such as coconut oil, avocado and monounsaturated fats like olive oil and nuts. Plus plenty of vegetables and a little fruit. The result is that you become primarily a fat burner rather than a sugar burner and you produce some ketone bodies which are an ideal brain fuel source.

The sugar in fact becomes a fuel on the inflammatory fire in your brain, not to mention its effects on obesity, diabetes, arthritis and energy.

Sugar includes wheat, rice, bread, potatoes and most processed foods and snacks, because all of these foods break down to sugar in your body and has the same effect of creating fat, pain and fatigue.

If this sounds like a recipe for deprivation then think again. Feeling deprived on most diets is because of hunger and cravings. This happens when insulin responds to carbohydrates and pulls glucose out of your blood leaving you hungry, even though you have lots of stored energy in your cells. The plan is to never be hungry.

Increased fat provides you energy without spiking insulin, so your brain isn’t experiencing energy swings during the day, and so hunger and cravings will be a thing of the past.

Don’t worry you aren’t having to eat large amount of fats, because fat contains twice the amount of calories as sugar by weight it’s just a matter of adding more olive oil to salads or vegetables, perhaps some coconut oil or milk in a green smoothie and some almonds or macadamias as snacks. Milk cheese and yogurt are OK as long as you don’t have an existing dairy allergy.

The benefits of this way of eating are many and you have nothing to lose by testing it for yourself over a few weeks.

Wishing you Vibrant health and happiness

Ian & Susan Newton

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