Healthy Weight…One thing Added One Thing Left Out

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker

Weight loss is a complex process, you need to eat the right way, be active and manage your stress.

Many people feel overwhelmed by the prospect of another diet and virtually fail before getting started, but there is something you can do today to help yourself and make it much easier in the long run.

If you cut back on one soft drink per day, it doesn’t matter if it is full of sugar, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners, they all cause fat gain, then in one year you would have avoided 356 cans of fat boosting sugar, or a total of 4380 teaspoons of sugar.

What if you walked just one kilometre or mile today, in a year you will have walked 365 km or miles more than you would have.

A can a day or a one mile walk doesn’t sound much if you think about a week, but it’s a huge amount of change in a year. And it’s the long term which counts in weight loss.

After one month you could cut out one more daily treat and add in another way to be active for a few minutes.

If you added in one more and removed one more each month, then In one year you could be saving yourself as much as 30,000 teaspoons of sugar and burning thousands of calories of energy all without going on a diet.

My recommendations to leave out in order would be;

Soft drink and cordials, cookies, cakes, chips, take away junk food, wheat, rice, potatoes and vegetable oils.

Adding in;

Walking, dancing, more vegetables, olive oil, nuts, and any activity you like.

In just a few months you would be easily eating the sugar and grain free way, with no processed food, and more vegetables, healthy fats and you would be much more active, plus you would have lost a lot of weight without feeling stressed and you would have much more energy and feel healthy.

You can do all of this much faster of course, but in the long run it really doesn’t matter as long as you make the changes one at a time and stick to them.

You know yourself, and your diet history so you know the best way to tackle these changes. But whatever you feel do not let your past dictate your future, anyone can reach their ideal weight it’s just a matter of time and a belief in yourself.

Click here to get started on your free fat burning vibrant health programme

Wishing you Vibrant health and happiness

Ian &  Dr Susan Newton