Why Rheumatoid Arthritis May Be Made Worse By Your Diet

Hi Pain Relief Seekers

In recent decades the main focus in the treatment of many autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis has been pharmaceutical drugs. This is understandable because there is serious money invested in research and of course in the sale of such drugs.

Most sufferers are desperate to find a cure or at least some relief from their pain. There are other solutions however that can make a significant difference but do require more effort than swallowing a pill or having an injection.

  1. Lose weight. Fat cells produce inflammation, the more calories stored, i.e. the larger and anger the cell the more inflammation is created. Of course weight loss is not easy but there is a way by adopting a diet free from industrialised (processed) foods. The surprising thing is it is easier than you might imagine.


  1. Gluten is the enemy of those with coeliac disease but researchers estimate that as many as 80% of non-coeliac sufferers may react to gluten. In clinic I have tested hundreds of patients for gut dysfunction and the only group which tested clear were those who avoided gluten.

The dysfunction resulted in compromised villi in the small intestine which leads to inflammation and leaky gut. The result is partially digested proteins entering the blood stream and creating more inflammation as your immune system reacts. Gluten is found in wheat barley and rye, and of course the hundreds of processed foods made from them.

  1. A diet heavy in sugar rich processed food affects the good bacteria in your digestive system. The good bacteria allowing the wrong species to populate the gut. These wrong bacteria create inflammatory bi-products.
  2. The weed killer roundup has been modified to be able to be used on grain crops right up until harvesting without killing the grain. This last spraying leaves residues on the grains which survive right through processing, on to your plate and into your stomach. This too kills the healthy bacteria in your colon and allows the wrong types to thrive creating more inflammation in your gut and your entire body.

This is most noticeable in your affected joints. Any rheumatoid sufferer will tell you that their pain comes and goes. One of the reasons is that the gut inflammation causes intermittent leaky gut. When it is worse your inflammation and pain is worse and when it is better your pain is better.

The solution is to stop sugar, grains and processed food and let your body recover.

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Wishing you Vibrant health and happiness

Ian Newton ND & Dr Susan Newton