How To Stop Insulin Resistance & Prevent Diabetes.

Hi Health Seekers

Type 2 Diabetes is a modern scourge. It is being diagnosed at a rate un-thought of just 20 years ago. It used to be called late onset diabetes but with children as young as 5 being diagnosed. In the Western world it is a preventable disease of lifestyle.

In India with 65 million diagnosed, and china with 108 million diabetics it is largely a disease of modern grains having a disastrous impact on an unsuspecting population combined with an unwillingness of health authorities to face the facts.

Here is a short sequence of events.

  1. We eat too much sugar, grains and processed foods, which all convert to glucose in your blood stream.
  2. A high glucose level invites your pancreas to secrete the hormone insulin, which is designed to take glucose from your blood and deposit it into your cells where it is converted to fat, which can be made available again as energy if we need it.
  3. This keeps happening repeatedly until your cells stop lowering the draw bridge and refuse to allow insulin to do its work.
  4. So your pancreas continues to pump insulin until your cells are forced to accept the glucose. Stage 3 & 4 are referred to as insulin resistance.
  5. The next stage is type 2 diabetes and you have to make serious life style changes to stay alive. Some complications include nerve problems in your legs and circulation issues which can lead to amputation.
  6. Some researchers in the field of dementia, refer to this disease as type 3 diabetes, because the effects of inflammation from high levels of insulin affect our brains.

Many experts in this area are frustrated at how simple it would be so solve these problems. It has been stated that in just four weeks insulin resistance could be solved and diabetes would be made easily manageable, if we just stop fuelling the problem.

The fuel is sugar in all its forms, which includes not only sweet treats, but also any product made from grains, including pasta, couscous, rice, bread, cookies, cakes and most processed foods. Plus white potato which also rapidly converts to sugar.

I can assure you there are many foods which you can eat, and that your life will be richer not poorer for quitting sugar.

Your insulin resistance will disappear, you will lose weight, have less pain and more energy. All in all it is all win win!

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Wishing you Vibrant health and happiness

Ian Newton ND & Dr Susan Newton