4 Reasons Why Your Fat wants To Keep Coming Back

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker

You know what it’s like you start a new diet, you lose a few pounds but then somewhere down the track it all comes and usually it brings some more fat with it, so why does this happen?

  1. It is common to set targets like a weight, or a time which involves an event or other people. When you reach that point and you have reached your goal all is good, but mentally it is all done and quickly you begin to slip back. The 30 day challenge is a prime example of this and I am as guilty as anyone in this regard.

The challenge can still be a good idea to get you started quickly, assuming your challenge has a sound basis, but at some point you must decide to adopt the new food programme as a lifestyle, not a quick fix.

  1. You promise yourself a reward when you reach your goal weight, hopefully not a big slice of chocolate cake. Research shows that reward driven goals tend to fail compared to making goals with core changes involved.

It’s as if the reward is more important than the goal, and once the reward is had then the momentum fails as it seems like you have to go right back to the start.

  1. Fat is so much more than just fat, it is more of an endocrine organ. If for example you have liposuction on your thighs, in time you will gain back fat on your upper arms and stomach. In just one year it will all be back.
  1. Lap band surgery is known to fail after about two years. In spite of having a seriously restricted access point to the stomach most people find a way to introduce foods especially sugar rich foods, into the stomach and therefore into the fat cells.

Clients who have had such surgery often report not being able to eat certain fibrous healthy vegetables, but managing ice cream just fine. Leaving them not just frustrated by their weight gain, but often in a state of nutritional deficiency.

Weight management is not easy however with the right dietary plan and emotional support you can bi-pass the short fixes, and go to the heart of the matter, which is finding a way to eat real food and moving away from the emotions which have made it so hard for you to release your weight.

To get started on your journey you can join our Free 30 day Fat Burning and wellness programme, just click here.

Wishing you Vibrant Health

Ian & Dr Susan Newton