Your Body Is Under attack…Will You Survive?

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker

These are dangerous times we live in! We hear about shark attacks, car accidents or earthquakes on the news. But there is a much greater danger lurking right in front of us and all around us.

This danger is often in disguise, hidden right in front of you and even promoted as being good for you. In the background there are tales of corporate and government lies, medical ignorance and collusion and the wholesale destruction of generations of people health.

You are attacked by corporations and industries with billion dollar budgets who can lobby to supress information such as the sugar industry paying Harvard researchers to cast the blame on fat and avert or attention from sugar being the source of most health problems.

Or the research conducted by German and Austrian scientists showing that healthy fat and low carbohydrate was the preferred model for health, but after world war two this research was ignored in America in favor of the sugar is OK model.

These corporations employ neuro scientists to lure you into buying their products, from colour, design, advertising to creating the exact balance of fat, sugar and salt to trigger your taste buds.

This is a fight for your survival. You eat the rubbish created and labelled as food , then you get sick, so now you fall into the clutches of the pharmaceutical industry who love you alive and sick.

If you don’t stand up for yourself who will? If you don’t make changes then at least you will stay exactly where you at, at worst, fat sick and then dead.

At this point grown people, will cry and complain, but I love my snacks, takeaways, alcohol etc. I can tell you what will make you cry, being sick, losing your quality of life, your mobility, your ability to work, support yourself and your loved ones!

This is not a casual matter, this is your life, you simply cannot fill your body with junk indefinitely and expect it to be able to cope with the constant assault.

So what will it be? Fight or bury your head in the sand, and then complain about the health system and the cost once you are sick. And if your excuse is that it is too expensive to eat well, firstly that is complete rubbish and secondly wait until the medical bills role in, now that will certainly cause your heart to miss a few beats.

Click here to get started on your free fat burning vibrant health programme

Wishing you Vibrant health and happiness

Ian Newton ND & Dr Susan Newton