Willpower Versus Love…The Real Decision You Make With Your Health.

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker

We hear so much about willpower. Fighting with yourself about quitting sugar or whether to have the muffin with your coffee or to resist dessert.

It would seem that to be healthy you would be constantly in a battle with your willpower, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

When you eat the muffin your taste buds love it. But that’s all.

Your blood sugar doesn’t love it, and causes a spike in insulin.

Your energy doesn’t love it as your blood sugar is pulled lower by the insulin.

Your increasing fat stores don’t love it.

Your gut bacteria don’t love it as they are damaged by the gluten.

Your digestive lining doesn’t love it as it becomes more permeable, allowing inflammatory compounds to enter your blood stream.

The endothelium which is the lining of your arteries doesn’t like it as it is disrupted by for up to 24 hours by a single dose of vegetable oil which was in your muffin.

Your brain doesn’t like it as the inflammation which was driven by your disturbed gut bacteria and leaky gut lining causes brain fog and leads you down the path to Alzheimer’s disease.

So you have the love of the taste of a muffin up against the significant consequences. Of course one muffin isn’t the end of the world, but it’s not really about a single muffin. It’s all the grains and sugars and processed foods which you love to eat every day, virtually guaranteeing that you will bring obesity and diabetes into your life.

Do you love the idea of being unwell, do you love being in pain or fatigued? Or would you love being healthy and fit and living a vibrant life?

I assume you want to feel good so the first thing to do is to fall in love with wellness. To love living a long healthy life and having the energy and the vitality to completely enjoy it.


So on one hand your taste buds are loving the treat you are thinking about. On the other you have developed a powerful for your wellness and yourself.

You will need to keep this love in mind and the benefits it will bring to you every day of your long healthy life.

I you think this love thing is too mushy and you are happy to rely on willpower, then I wish you well, but it really doesn’t have to be that hard.

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Wishing you Vibrant health and happiness

Ian Newton ND & Dr Susan Newton