What If I Said That Diabetes Type 2 Is A Choice?

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker

So hands up if you want to have diabetes type 2! Am I mad, have I taken leave of my senses and do I think that you are mad? Maybe!

50 years ago medical science wasn’t sure what caused type 2 diabetes. Over time it appeared that obesity was the cause, because most sufferers were obese.

As time went on it appeared that sugar was the problem and it became commonly known as sugar diabetes.

So sufferers were told to cut back on sugar and a whole range of low sugar and artificial sweetener products were created. Even today in any chemist in Australia there are lots of diabetic friendly treats at the front counter.

In our supermarkets we have diabetic jams and spreads. But even today we are not seeing a big focus on overall diet as an intervention aside from being advised to eat a good diet.

As recently as 10 years ago a diabetes nurse came to see me as a client, I mentioned diet for diabetes in passing and see put her hands on her hips and declared there was no such diet.

As time went on we learnt more and more about nutrition and the belief that sugar was the problem was confirmed in multiple studies.

But in spite of this knowledge the dietary recommendations remain the same. E.g. Eating plenty of heart healthy grains and replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners.

So given the clear knowledge that grains convert to glucose rapidly in your blood stream, and cause an insulin response even faster than pure sugar, which is 50% fructose. Why would any diabetic ever risk eating grains and processed foods 80% of which are loaded with sugar.

Then there are the artificial sweeteners like aspartame which is now implicated in diabetes and the wonderful Splenda, which of course was designed as an insecticide. It is great for killing ants, so it’s about as useful in a human body as nicotine another famous insecticide.

In the past you may not have known these facts, but now you do, so if you keep eating these things you are literally making a decision to be a diabetic. Any realising that more than half of the population are diabetic or pre-diabetic.

This knowledge may be annoying and not what you want to hear, but this same information will make your life so much better, and you will be so much healthier, and that should be a relief.

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Wishing you Vibrant Health

Ian & Dr Susan Newton