Anti-Aging…Don’t Wait For The Magic Bullet

Hi Healthy Aging Seekers

Almost every week in the media we here about cures for some health problem. The problem is these stores are often generated from a bit of hopeful leaked information and usually the cure is ten to twenty years away.


I have heard of anti-aging drugs for decades and in 2017 we are not much closer. One reason is that from a funding perspective anti-aging is not considered an illness and so it is largely ignored except as side projects.


At the time of writing I am 60 years old, and if they do find a magic bullet cure for aging in 20 years time, I would have the great good fortune of remaining a sprightly 80 year old for years!


I can tell you that is not what I had in mind. So assuming the miracle-aging cure is a long way off then when would you like to start slowing down the aging process.


Even if you are just 20, then you would be locked in at 40. While that would be appealing to me, I’m not so sure a 20 year old would feel the same.


While we don’t have a magic bullet yet we do have some good info about aging as well as possible.


7 Tips for healthy aging.

  1. At the end of your DNA strands are things called telomeres. As we age the telomeres get shorter as our DNA replicates. The Noble Peace Prize winning Australia Dr Elizabeth Blackburn in her research showed that meditating just 12 minutes per day could help maintain the length of the telomeres and ensure better cell replication.

2. Your mitochondria are the engines within your cells and have their own DNA. We can protect our mitochondria by avoiding toxic mold and household chemicals as much as possible.

3. Our cells need to allow nutrients in as effectively as possible, and be able to remove waste just as well. Ensuring you are well hydrated and eating healthy fats will make sure the membranes of your cells work properly.

4. Avoiding sugar in all forms including grains and potatoes reduces the amount of insulin your cells have to encounter and therefore reducing your inflammation.

5. Eating a diet rich in vegetables to ensure your digestive bacteria are well fed and being maintained to produce vitamins and the necessary brain chemicals.

6. Consume healthy protein to support your immune system, in the form of meat, lentils, cheese and to a lesser extent vegetables. Not from protein bars and shakes.

7. Move your body daily in multiple ways such as walking, stretching, and occasional heavy weights.

To get started on your journey you can join our Free Anti-Aging wellness programme, just click here.

Wishing you Vibrant Health

Ian & Dr Susan Newton