Heading For Carbohydrate Rehab!

Hi Wellness Seekers I have been successfully living a low carb higher fat lifestyle for the past 18 months. But recently I took a two week holiday into carb paradise, or hell depending on your opinion. The problem with being on any programme for a long time is that you start to forget about the…

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You Do Not Have A Surgery Or Drug Deficiency

Hi Good Health Seekers These days there seems to be a medical procedure or pharmaceutical for everyone. Even problems which in the past were not illnesses have been reclassified in order to create a medical cure. Yes we need surgery when there is no other option, and yes we need pharmaceuticals when they are appropriate,…

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Why How To Eat Isn’t Enough For Weight Loss.

Hi Ideal Weight Seekers Brian Klemmer published a book entitled “If how-to’s were enough we would all be skinny, rich and happy” His point is that knowledge alone is not enough to allow us to make the changes we want. There is another big problem with knowledge. especially in relation to weight loss. There is…

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Anti-Aging…Don’t Wait For The Magic Bullet

Hi Healthy Aging Seekers Almost every week in the media we here about cures for some health problem. The problem is these stores are often generated from a bit of hopeful leaked information and usually the cure is ten to twenty years away.   I have heard of anti-aging drugs for decades and in 2017…

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Anti-Aging…Which Part Of You Is Broken

Hi Anti-Aging Seeker By the time we get to the point of our lives where anti-aging is of interest, most of us have some part of us that is broken. For some it’s there knees or hips or chronic back pain. But one thing the majority of people would like to fix is their head.…

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Aging At The Speed Of your Brain

So much of our behavior is dictated by our thoughts, and aging is no different. How you think influences how we feel, and this influences how we move physically and how we interact in this world. We all know the 80 year old who is young at heart, and the 50 year old who is…

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Anti-Aging …Healing & Junk Food

Hi Anti-Aging Seeker Any time your body is attempting to heal itself, it needs the very best circumstances possible. Clean air, clean safe, dry housing, clean water and good nutrition. Healing with a junk food diet is very difficult. It’s like trying to do it in a dirty environment. Most healing requires some inflammation as…

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Your Anti-Aging Bug Brain!

Hi Seekers Of Youthful Health In your quest to age better I would ask you to consider your gut a bit more carefully, or in the case of most of us, to become aware of our gut’s role in health and aging. Here are a few gut facts. 60% of your blood proteins are manufactured…

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Why Aging Is Like Superannuation

Hi Vibrant Health Seekers When you are 20 years old you are most likely quite uninterested in superannuation or anti-aging. And even if you have some interest you only need to make small deposits into your super fund or health account to reap significant benefits in the distant future. But let’s say you are 50…

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What Is Your Obesity Delivery Method

Hi Weight loss Seekers Wow this sounds like a bit of a cruel question, but it is a vitally important question to ask yourself if you are struggling with your weight and you would like to stop the obesity cycle. Also the question might seem obvious but it is more complex than first meets the…

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The Self Language Of anti-Aging

Hi Wellness Seeker I had a lengthy breakfast with a friend yesterday, we are both 60 and both very engaged in martial arts, he has had a hip replacement and I’ve had both knees reconstructed. As we stood up to leave we both groaned, he from back pain and me trying to enthuse my knees.…

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Successful Anti-Aging Needs A Few Hard Choices

Hi Anti-Aging Seekers Every day with have choices to make which can take us where we want to go or in the other direction. Sleep in or go for a walk. 2. Go to sleep, or keep watching those screens. 3. Have a green smoothie for a muffin 4. Smile at a stranger or ignore…

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You Can Lose Weight Even With A Bad Diet

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker. There are dozens of diets out there, from Paleo, to Vegan to strange and completely stupid. But one thing most of them have in common is that you can lose weight even if they are bad diets. The best most recent example is of the famous television magician who lost a…

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If Your Diet Is Too Hard it’s Probably Wrong For You

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker Most people equate going on a diet with suffering. Hunger is expected, feeling grumpy, sweating like a pig at the gym, eating rabbit food, feeling stressed just walking past a bakery and not knowing what to eat, or having people around you who are eating all the things you like. The…

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8 Essentials You Need In a Wellness Coach.

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker   You must have a sense of rapport with your coach, there needs to be a comfortable and confident connection, however your coach doesn’t need to be your pal, they have a job to do which will involve having you do things you find difficult, otherwise you wouldn’t need a coach.…

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