Sticking to Your Diet…What Is Your Light Bulb Moment

Hi Vibrant Health Seekers Every year millions of people around the world start diets and the majority of them give up within a few days or weeks. It is easy to start but it takes some mental effort to keep going, but it is easier to stick to your diet if you have had a…

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10 Things to Do To Boost Your Body’s Engine

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker Cars have all kinds of engines, some small, some large, some slow some fast, some powerful, some economical and some broken. Human bodies all have the same basic engine design but there is a vast difference in performance. The good news is that you can re-tune your engine, and in most…

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Do You Prefer The Prevention Or Treatment Model?

Hi Vibrant Health Seekers Traditionally in western society we wait to get sick and then we take a day off and join the legions of the unwell in doctor’s surgeries pawing old germ covered magazines. In some Asian societies the local doctor or healer would be paid a retainer to keep their patient healthy and…

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Willpower Versus Love…The Real Decision You Make With Your Health.

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker We hear so much about willpower. Fighting with yourself about quitting sugar or whether to have the muffin with your coffee or to resist dessert. It would seem that to be healthy you would be constantly in a battle with your willpower, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When…

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What If I Said That Diabetes Type 2 Is A Choice?

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker So hands up if you want to have diabetes type 2! Am I mad, have I taken leave of my senses and do I think that you are mad? Maybe! 50 years ago medical science wasn’t sure what caused type 2 diabetes. Over time it appeared that obesity was the cause,…

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Since When Did Dessert Become Breakfast?

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker I actually can’t remember a time when people didn’t have dessert for breakfast, but I didn’t realise it at the time. When I was a child my standard breakfast was either a fried egg on toast or some wheatbix with milk and sugar. Looking back my breakfast wasn’t perfect but for…

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Why Your Bio-chemistry Isn’t A Fashion Item…Plus Stupid Advice

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Is Anti-Aging Actually Possible?

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker If you believe the news reports then we are only a moment away from an anti- aging pill. Sadly there are a few problems with these reports. 1. They are wrong. Most news agencies will run a story on a mere sniff of a story, and most medical news is years…

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3 Reasons Why Sugar Isn’t The Energy Food You May Think It Is

Hi Vibrant Health Seekers Most people are used to having a sugar hit to give them a boost, usually mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Muffins, chocolate cookies or chocolate are popular choices and often boosted with a coffee. It is true that a spike in blood sugar will give your brain a quick jolt or act as…

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Don’t Allow Overwhelm Lead To Inactivity

Hi Vibrant Health Seekers When making a significant change to your lifestyle such as following the low carb model I personally use and help clients with, it can be a challenge. Or in fact anything that means significant change for you, and those around you. For some it’s a matter of ripping the band aid…

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Your Body Is Under attack…Will You Survive?

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker These are dangerous times we live in! We hear about shark attacks, car accidents or earthquakes on the news. But there is a much greater danger lurking right in front of us and all around us. This danger is often in disguise, hidden right in front of you and even promoted…

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Why Low Calorie Is Not A Successful Weight Loss Method

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker In countries which experience famine obesity is not an issue, in many developing countries where poverty is the norm it is common to see overweight mothers bringing malnourished children to NGO medical clinics. Studies have shown this to be true in South America, the Pacific Islands and The Caribbean. It is…

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Health Span VS Life Span

Hi Vibrant Health Seekers. The there is a lot of interest in extending the life span of humans with pharmaceutical companies in a race to produce drugs which will have us living to well over 100 years on average. Yet in spite of all the hype we are not any closer in part because of…

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Live your life above the line

To get started on your journey you can join our Free 30 day Fat Burning and wellness programme, just click here. Wishing you Vibrant Health Ian & Dr Susan Newton

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4 Reasons Why Your Fat wants To Keep Coming Back

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker You know what it’s like you start a new diet, you lose a few pounds but then somewhere down the track it all comes and usually it brings some more fat with it, so why does this happen? It is common to set targets like a weight, or a time which…

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