Having The Energy To Live Your Life

Hi More Energy Seeker We all have big demands on our time and energy and we seem to be being pulled in many directions all of which can deplete our energy. Good energy comes from two places. Our minds. Our thoughts can drive energy, I’m sure you know this is true, if you compare doing…

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Road Map To Vital Health…How Your Protein should Digest

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker At the base of a wellness pyramid the digestion should be prominent. One of the biggest challenges we face is being able to digest proteins. They come in many forms in meats, and legumes, nuts and seeds. But they all share some common traits. Imagine you eat a piece of steak…

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Weight Loss In The Real World For Real People

Hi Weight Loss Seeker There are so many weight loss ideas, some are traditional messages which are locked in outdated beliefs about health, some are crazy and some are borderline religions where the finest details are debated. I think there are some missing elements in weight loss thinking. Most people are struggling with their weight…

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Why Rheumatoid Arthritis May Be Made Worse By Your Diet

Hi Pain Relief Seekers Why Rheumatoid Arthritis May Be Made Worse By Your Diet In recent decades the main focus in the treatment of many autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis has been pharmaceutical drugs. This is understandable because there is serious money invested in research and of course in the sale of such drugs.  …

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Weight loss And Resistant starch

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker Starch is a complex carbo-hydrate which converts to sugar in your body and will mostly be converted to fat. Typically found in rice, potatoes and grains. Resistant starch is the starch which is not absorbed in the small intestine and travels on to your colon where it can potentially feed the…

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Want To Lose Weight…You may Be Asking The wrong Questions.

Hi Vibrant Health Seekers Does this sound familiar? Why do I have to give up all my favourite treats and snacks and all of those wonderful sweets and big yummy pasta dishes to lose weight? It’s just not fair! The problem is the more times you ask questions like that the more unfair it seems…

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Healthy Weight…One thing Added One Thing Left Out

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker Weight loss is a complex process, you need to eat the right way, be active and manage your stress. Many people feel overwhelmed by the prospect of another diet and virtually fail before getting started, but there is something you can do today to help yourself and make it much easier…

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The Challenges Of A Low Carb Diet When Traveling

Hi Vibrant Health Seekers No diet is easy all of the time and some days can be a challenge. Two days a week I see clients away from home, and the roadhouse between work and home presents a few challenges. The reality is the only items fit for human consumption are water and coffee. I…

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Eating Well When Those Around your Aren’t!

Hi Vibrant Health Seekers Just because you have decided to take your health in hand, by avoiding sugar, grains and processed foods doesn’t mean your friends, family and co-workers have. There will be no shortage of events where lashings of pastries or mountains of pasta are laid out before you with deserts containing enough sugar…

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Why The Perfect Diet Doesn’t Exist… And Why That’s OK

Welcome To Your Road Map To Vital Health. Why The Perfect Diet Doesn’t Exist… And Why That’s OK It seems that every week there is another diet promising amazing results. But there you are a few weeks later lining up for the shiny dieting object hoping that this one will be the right one for…

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Should You Avoid Gluten For Health and Weight Loss?

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker Should You Avoid Gluten For Health and Weight Loss? Around 5% of people have coeliac disease. For them being gluten free is not optional because they don’t have the capacity to digest this sticky substance. It is also estimated by researchers that as many as 80% of people experience some form…

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3 Ways To Put The Life Back Into Your Business Day

Hi Business Wellness Seekers Business can be unrelenting, putting out fires, managing staff and the vagaries of the economy. There are many things you can’t control such as government legislation and staff checking Facebook when they appear to be sweating over an overdue project. But there is something that you can control and need to…

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Why Less Sugar Is Better After Menopause.

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker Why Less Sugar Is Better After Menopause. The old guard advice of low fat and high carb is fortunately changing among many researchers and clinicians. An interesting area of research is the effect of glucose on the brain in MS, Alzheimer’s and Glaucoma with flow on implications for women after menopause…

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Sugars…Artificial sweeteners in Weight Loss And Pain

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker Sugars…Artificial sweeteners in Weight Loss And Pain In the business of weight loss there is much said about sweet things. I call weight loss a business because that is exactly what it is. Dozens of new weight loss programmes, cookbooks, and exercise systems are launched every year, not to mention the…

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Nutritional Self Defense And Weight Loss

Nutritional Self Defence And Weight Loss Hi Vibrant Health Seeker In a dangerous situation if you could defend yourself I’m sure you would, but when it comes to food we don’t often think about being attacked. But that is exactly what is happening to us on the inside. Digestive researchers testing for gut permeability found…

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