How To Avoid Life And Weight Overload.


avoid weight overload






Welcome To Your Road Map To Vital Health.

We live in a fast moving stressful world which is overloading us in so many ways.

  1. Environmental overload.

The furnishings off gas their glues and chemical fibres in our homes, work places and offices.  The fire escape in my apartment building smells of concrete as if it was new, but it’s 17 years old. This process never ends.

Heating reduces oxygen and increases carbo di-oxide and other combustion pollutants. Our towns and cities are smog traps for industry and cars.


  1. Airwave overload.

Just 25 years ago there were barely any mobile phones or towers and few wireless devices. Yet not we complain if we can’t get a clear signal or the cafe doesn’t have free Wi-Fi. Not to mention television and radio signals and electro-magnetic pollution in every building.


All of this is placing a stress on us and at this point it’s unclear what the effect will be. Just like smoking in the 1950”s researchers knew it wasn’t good news but they didn’t know how bad it would prove to be.


And when the proof was in the spike in lung cancer attributed to car pollution and the research was initially ignored by governments who were enjoying the huge tobacco taxes.

So don’t expect bad news about airwave overload to be broadly accepted anytime soon.

PS Actually it is already known but of course mobile phone manufacturers fight to deny such claims

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  1. Work and knowledge overload.

In the information age we are expected to know more than ever before and students are overloaded by their course volume and workers are expected to keep up with the new information.

Employees are expected to be contactable and have their phones and laptops at the ready, even while on vacation, keeping ahead of an expected back log of work when they return or just to protect their jobs.

4.Dietary Overload

We have supersizing, pre-packaged TV meals, new apartments in some cities without kitchens, 13,000 more items on the grocery shelf than there were 20 years ago, most of which come in a bow or a packet.


Junk food and fast food outlets (usually the same) just a short walk or drive or just a phone app click away from delivering fatty and sugary delights to us.

At the other end of the scale we have whole television stations showing us amazing cooking challenges and celebrity chefs delivering mouth-watering creations which are totally impractical for most people time frames and budget should they choose to actually open there celebrity coffee table cook books.


Cooking has become a sport or an art it seems, but good nutritious meals are actually easy and inexpensive to prepare. You do not have to be a victim to these overloads, you can adapt and you can thrive, but you have to decide to help yourself and to take action.

Wishing you Great health and happiness

Ian & Dr Susan Newton

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