Sugars…Artificial sweeteners in Weight Loss And Pain

Hi Vibrant Health Seeker

Sugars…Artificial sweeteners in Weight Loss And Pain

In the business of weight loss there is much said about sweet things. I call weight loss a business because that is exactly what it is. Dozens of new weight loss programmes, cookbooks, and exercise systems are launched every year, not to mention the plethora of reality television shows on the same theme.

Sugar comes in many forms and is extracted from different plants in different countries. Sugar cane sugar beets and corn are the primary crops used and sugar itself.

Sugar is labelled as dextrose, glucose, maltose, lactose, galactose and fructose, in fact if you see a word on a label ending in “ose” them it is most likely a sugar.

In the standard western diet we consume large amounts of obvious and hidden sugars. Sugar, honey, sodas, cookies, cakes, sauces, dressings, pasta, breads, fruit, vegetables, potatoes, rice and many more.

In the above list there are obvious junk carbs, some healthy carbs and some which may be confusing.

To start with vegetables and a small amount of fruit is healthy.

Starch vegetables such as sweet potatoes are fine but potatoes are not.

Pasta, rice and other staples convert directly to sugar and disrupt your blood sugar.

If you want to lose weight and reduce pain then reducing your carbohydrates significantly will shift you from being a sugar burner to being a fat burner. Plus you will prevent the production of inflammatory chemicals which are driven by sugar.

Artificial sweeteners no matter what they are called create a few problems.

  1. They keep your taste buds tuned to wanting sweet foods, which results in craving for your favourite snacks such as pastries and muffins etc
  2. When you consume artificial sweeteners your brain is expecting a sugar rush and directs your pancreas to secrete insulin to bring down the expected sugar arrival. The problem is there is no excess sugar and you end up in a low blood sugar state and this makes you hungry and you will eat to compensate. In short sugar free alternatives make you hungry.

The exception is Stevia, but it could be a gateway back to sugar as it keeps your sweet tooth alive.

  1. The most common artificial sweetener is NutraSweet. This compound is described as a excito-neuro toxin with multiple legal class actions pending. I think we can all do better than to eat foods which are toxic to our brains.

If you want to lose weight or have less pain then you must re-think your relationship with sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Wishing you Vibrant health and happiness

Ian & Susan Newton

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