Why The Perfect Diet Doesn’t Exist… And Why That’s OK

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Why The Perfect Diet Doesn’t Exist… And Why That’s OK

It seems that every week there is another diet promising amazing results. But there you are a few weeks later lining up for the shiny dieting object hoping that this one will be the right one for you.

The bad news is that there will never be a perfect out of the box diet for you. You are an individual and you respond like no one else on the planet.

No one else has your body, or mind, or family, or work, or injuries, or health problems or genetics. All of this seems hopeless for your weight loss and health aspirations but all is not lost.

The fact you are an individual is not only unavoidable but it is perfectly OK and there is a reason why.

The only way you will ever lose weight or become healthier is to understand yourself, and the only way to do this is to turn yourself into a study of one person.

You may be wondering how on earth to do this and it is easier than you might imagine.

  1. Decide what you want to measure in your life. A few suggestions would be weight, waist measurement, energy, sleep, joint pain, skin severity of existing health problems, blood sugar, happiness, anxiety or depression. Plus any other things which are important to you.

I’m not suggesting that a change in diet and lifestyle will resolve all the things on your list, but it’s worth keeping track of because you never know what the outcome will be. You also need to know what if anything could get worse, after all it’s an experiment.

  1. Make a firm decision to stick with your programme for 30 days.
  2. Find ten reasons to do this for yourself. Make 5 of them about you.
  3. Adopt the framework of no grains and no sugars i.e. no processed foods of any kind as the basis for your experiment.

You may wonder about this diet, you may be criticized, but you cannot hurt yourself by eliminating processed food and embracing real food. What you eat is plenty of green or arial vegetables, smaller amounts of sweet potatoes, meat, eggs, butter, olive oil, avocados, coconut oil cheese and dairy.

If you have an existing allergy to a food then don’t eat it.

If you really don’t like a food then don’t eat it.

If you are concerned about eating more fat, then put your fears aside, research and clinical experience from the last 15 years shows this is the safest way to eat.

The failed 60 year experiment of low fat and high carb needs to be consigned to history. In my own experience I improved my cholesterol, lowered inflammation, boosted B12 and testosterone in 30 days.

Please note that you don’t have to consume large amounts of any protein or fat but you can go wild on the green leafy vegetables if you want.

Wishing you Vibrant health and happiness

Ian & Susan Newton

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